For the fourteenth year running, ten of Australia’s top hair Stylists from Just CutsTM will be sharpening their scissors and snipping their way through a bustling crowd of trekkers at Cut-A-Rama, the fundraising event that kicks off the annual Royal Flying Doctor Outback Car Trek.
This year’s event will be held at 6:30pm on Saturday 4th June at the Amaroo Hotel in Dubbo NSW with around 350 people expected to attend. Just CutsTM will be recruiting stylists from Just Cuts™ Dubbo, to manage the manes ready to be tamed. Just CutsTM hopes to raise over $10,000 as they cut their way through the crowd over a three-hour period.
Many Trek veterans grow their hair for months to prepare for the Cut-A-Rama and are happy to sport an unorthodox style for the week-long rally, with everyone ‘getting tidied up’ before they head back to work the following Monday.
Participants make a donation to the Royal Flying Doctor but in many cases the audience up the ante on how far the person is willing to go. “When all your friends are donating money to your favourite charity and yelling at you from the audience, it’s pretty hard to resist the temptation to go that one step further,” says CEO of Just CutsTM Denis McFadden. “A few years ago we had a team of men shave their heads to a number two and then hairspray their remaining hair red; the colour of their team’s car. There’s a lot of silliness that goes on – lots of Mohawks and the like,” says McFadden.
Since 1998, Just CutsTM stylists and owners have raised over $250,000 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service with participants coming from around the globe to share in the festivities. Their reason for this is simple: “Royal Flying Doctors is an iconic Australian institution,” says McFadden, “We needed to choose a charity that related to every state and territory throughout Australia because we’re located nationally,” he says.
Austrlian band Ice House will be playing at the Amaroo Hotel during the Cut-A-Rama event.
The Trek commences first thing the following Sunday morning and continues over the next seven days, finishing at Uluru.
Media Enquiries:
Danielle Deane – Just Cuts™ Marketing
P: 02 9527 5444
E: lam@justcuts.com
For further information about Cut-A-Rama, please visit www.justcuts.com or call 1800 334 498.
For further information about the 2011 Outback Car Trek, please visit www.outbackcartrek.com.au